Information & Resources
Listed below are some resources for mental health that may provide useful information. Yet these liniks are solely for information and education, and they are not a subsitute for professional assessment and treatment. When you visit these linked websites, you have left this website, and entered other websites over which this website has no control. Consult members of your own mental and medical health team for evaluation and treatment.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Mental health topics and disorders, publications, and clinical trials.
Medline Plus: National Institutes of Health & National library of Medicine
Health Information
Medline (Pubmed): U.S. National Library of Medicine includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1948. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Publications, news, resources at national level.
National Institute on Drug Abuse: The science of drug abuse and addiction.
Club Education about drugs taken by young adults in club and party scene settings. Website by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Professional Associations
American Psychiatric Association - Professional Psychiatry and Psychiatry Topics
American Psychological Association - Professional Psychology and Psychology Topics
National Associations
National Association for Mental Health (NAMI): Information, support, advocacy, action.
NAMI- California: State-focused information, support, and advocay.
Mental Health America: Advocay, Support by leading non-profit support network.
NARSAD: major charitable foundation dedicated to mental health research
Anxiety and Depression Groups
Anxiety Disorders Association
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
Families for Depression Awareness
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Video Episodes
Healthy Minds streaming video episodes on psychiatric disorders: educational resource sponsored by NARSAD
Healthy Minds Webcasts: Season 1
Healthy Minds: Preview, Season 2
Bi-polar disorder: Real Questions TV- University consultants
ADD / ADHD and Learning Disability Groups
CHADD: Volunteer National Organization for Adults and Children with ADD / ADHD. En Españnol.
NRC on AD|HD: National Resource Center for ADD / ADHD. En Españnol.
Additude: Living well with ADD and Learning Disabilities
Schwab Foundation: For learning disabilities
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Groups
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous
Trichotillomania Learning Center
Groups for Adolescents and Young Adults
Cope, Care, Deal: A mental health site for teens.
The Trevor Project: Crisis help for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth.
Eating Disorder Groups
National Eating Disorders Association: a national organization that provides education, resources and support to those affected by eating disorders.
Eating Disorders Referral and Information Center
Drug and Alcohol Groups
Alcohol Anonymous
American Council for Durg Education
Al-Anon & Alateen
Problem Gambling Groups